Shared Physics
by Roman Kudryashov
Shared Physics

The Product Management Reading List

Published on 4 min read

(Last updated: 2022.02.22)

Over the course of the last few months as we've revamped the product management department at Pager, I've found myself sharing a number of product management guides to the broader team to help them think through and understand what product management is.

Anyone considering a career in product management or is just generally interested in what product management is and how it works might end up finding something of value here. Enjoy!

Who is a Product Manager?

Managing Yourself

Product Culture

On Hiring Product Managers

On Strategy & Prioritization

Things Not To Do

Design Thinking

Product Management Artifacts

On Process

Estimating Projects:

Working With and Understanding Engineering

Performance and Evaluation

Launching Things

Learning from Customers

On Managing Change


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